As underlined in several comments it would be helpful to give references.

I also note that the claim of ‘babies in the oven’ during the Deir Yacin massacre is not substantiated in any sources easily available.

If there is no solid base for this claim, it is better left to the Hasbara delirious inventions.

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Symon Petliura, not Petilura.

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Excellent article!

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Thank you for her article, The nazi were brought to power by the zionists which supported the raise of hidler know as “hitler”, in 1933.

Just like they massacred non zionist jews then, they are planning to now.

The zionist cancer must be destroyed and the non zionist jews know it well, as they their life depends on it as they will be next in the line of fire of their zionists cousins.

Thank you for sharing

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Thank you for this illuminating article that clarifies many questions I had in regard to the connection and alliance between Germany and Israel in present times. The zios are experts at betraying. Eichmann found refuge in Argentina. Israeli zios took it upon themselves in a foreign country to kidnap the Nazi to Israel to execute him. That’s their modus operandi.

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Free speech to tell you what a moron you are

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Stop attacking people because you do not agree with how they use their free speech. Your approach is why a former US president was almost assassinated.

Also, if you are this ill informed about zionisim, that your take is that all of this is a lie, you need to read the quotes and words of the founders of zionism, and israel as well as how israel was founded.

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Oh Shut up you MARXIST FREAK

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This is biggest AHISTORICAL hypocritical al vicious ANTI ZIONST ( including anti semitic ). Like Jordan the 98 % Ethno Arab nationalist state and one Jewish state which is at least liberal

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Oh sht up zionist

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Some links to sources would be apprecaited

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Did you red the book about that by Tony Greenstein?

It's a shame there is no way to get unless by post that I don't trust

But your article is illuminating and precious. I just suggest next time to link the sources to be complete and verifiable by who still believe in the official storytelling, or story tales!


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Whoa, this is very extensive. These snippets particularly caught my attention:

"Collaboration with Ukrainian fascist Simon Petliura, responsible for pogroms that claimed thousands of Jewish lives, further underscores this troubling trend." Huh, so Zionist-Ukronazi ties go a long ways back. I remember hearing a few people asking (around half a year ago) why Israel would finance Ukrainian Nazis, and now that picture is becoming clear.

"The ultimate betrayal came in the form of a secret pact between Zionist leader Rudolph Kastner and Adolf Eichmann, sealing the fate of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews." I did not know this before. My high school world history class certainly never mentioned one iota of it.

"Simon Petilura, a Ukrainian fascist responsible for the deaths of 28,000 Jews in nearly 900 pogroms, found an ally in Jabotinsky. Negotiating an alliance, Jabotinsky proposed a Jewish police force to support Petilura's counter-revolutionary campaign against the Red Army and The Bolshevik Revolution, resulting in the slaughter of peasants, workers, and intellectual supporters of the revolution." Hmm... clearly the Nazis -- despite their Judeo-Bolshevist canard propagation -- had no problem with the Zionists. After all, "Jewish Communist" parties like the Bund were anti-Communists. Do you know if the Zionists ever facilitated the Judeo-Bolshevism narrative in those days?

"When survivor Malchiel Greenwald exposed the pact and accused Kastner of being a Nazi collaborator whose "deeds in Budapest cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews," Greenwald was sued by the Israeli government." Wow. Just... wow.

Excellent compilation of Zionist history, Nuno.

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The Zionists were the ones who prepared and incited the Holocaust for Jews, in order to force the world to issue an anti-Semitism law and facilitate forced immigration to Palestine.

Any problem that the Jews encounter, the Zionists are the hidden and real reason behind it.

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